Wow! It has been a while since I posted anything meaningful. However, something Jasmine said made me want to write something. She said "it is not as though you need the physical companionship!" Without listening properly, I agreed with her but then I realized that, "heck, no. If she is talking about sex, that is the important part of a relationship!" I interrupted her speech and told her, " Forget the other homely stuff. It is the sex." She was embarrassed and replied, "Okay, no need to go down that path!" I guess my baby girl does not want to think of her mother in bed with a man. Baby girl, at my age, that is the best part of life. I have no time for anything else. I am just too busy.
I am not sure what I will do with my nieces. I am not really the mothering type that wants to do scrapbooks and pretty pictures. I had my formal portrait taken by the photographer at the church but boy, were the prices high. It was a rip-off.
It is difficult to write about my feelings online. I have to think about this.