Sunday, January 11, 2004

Hiya, still trying to cope with jet lag although it is nice to get up at 4:00 am and do things. However, by lunchtime, I am tired. Last Monday, my secretary called me at home to find out whether I was going into the office! Who is the boss, me or her? Her excuse is that she was worried about whether I had arrived home. That is a good one since I would have called her if my plane had been delayed.

I am going to try the Atkins diet although only a version of it because I put on 6 lbs while in Malaysia. Now I have to try and get rid of those irritating 6 lbs. Now 6 lbs sound easy but these small lbs are the worst. They are the most difficult and it is almost as though I would have to starve to lose them. So, I am going to try the Atkins and lose those pesky lbs and then get back on the Weight Watchers. However, the Atkins has many things similar to the WW because I am supposed to keep track of what I eat and also to exercise. I walk on the treadmill because it is convenient. I do it at home and do not have to drive somewhere else. Besides it is brrrr....cold outside right now. Also, my physical therapist told me that it would be better to walk on a treadmill than on uneven surfaces out on the road. Walking on the road is bad for my back.

I am still trying to learn how to upload pictures to my blog here. I used to be able to learn to do FTP so easily, but now I am always in such a hurry that I find it difficult (grrrr....). Too much violence in my life. hehehehe....

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