Friday, August 22, 2003

. : Generation Gap : .

Reading Mum's post again, it hits me again at the perceptions that one hears from one generation to another. Who is to say who is right and who is wrong? I suppose at the end of the day, one must be willing to hear both sides of the story rather than only one version.

I can understand Mum's frustration speaking to us whipper-snappers. Thinking we know everything under the sun. That we know best. That we can manage on our own. That we can make our own mature judgement. Us young ones.

It's hard to express one's thoughts and feelings to another person, be it from the same generation or not. I find that one needs patience to get the message or idea across. Wouldn't it be great if we could actually understand immediately what the other party is talking about? What they're getting at? What are they're conclusions?

I wish I could get into my Mum's head. Must be interesting just to find out what goes through her mind when she's talking to me. Would make me understand her better. Her thoughts. Her feelings. Her experiences. Her humour. Well, I have to settle for chats online, phonecalls, emails and, of course, her blog.

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