Monday, September 01, 2003

I am in my office reading my emails so that I will not be too rushed tomorrw. I will have to work tonight on my classes so that I will be more prepared next Wednesday. This past weekend is Labor day weekend in the U.S. I went up to the Upper Peninsula in Michigan to see my boyfriend and also to help him with his fundraising 5K run. He raised about $1,200 for his cross-country team and the Tiffany Foundation. That was pretty good considering that he did everything by himself. He has a tendency to do that--do everything himself. He is so used to being a single parent that he is not used to asking for help (gr..r....r). Anyway it was nice to see him again and it will be at least six weeks before I see him again. Many of my girlfriends do not understand how I can maintain a long distance relationship. In my case, it is the best option since I am usually so busy with work and he is pretty busy himself with his daughter and his students. Besides absence makes the hearts grow fonder. He lives in Newberry, Michigan and that is a 4-hour drive. Check out this site, to see what Newberry, Michigan is like. One of these days, I will buy a little cottage up there by Lake Superior. That is my dream.

My mother sometimes wonders why I need a boyfriend at my age. She thinks I am too old! I tell her that I am still young and actually feels on top of the world. Besides, just being old does not mean that I do not need any love or affection. I can see myself creating havoc in the old folks' home, getting the seniors all roused up. Have you watched, "Waiting for God?" There is feisty old woman who reminds me of myself and an old man who is gentle and kind. They both get into all kinds of pranks and cause more gray hairs on the manager's head!

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